The AISI2021organizing Committee invites proposals for the Workshops and Special Sessions Programs of AISI2021. These workshops and special sessions will be held both during the main conference.  Workshops and Special Session provide a platform for presenting novel ideas in a less formal and possibly more focused way than the conference itself. A Workshop or Special Session will consist of a number of papers in a specific discipline related to the main topics of AISI2021

Submission Guidelines

The organizers of approved workshops are expected to define the workshop's aim, gather and review submissions, and decide upon the final program content. The format of papers submitted to the workshops and Special sessions must follow the general template of the conference paper format. Each Workshop or special session organizer must ensure that all papers are evaluated following the same general guidelines of AISI2021.  Workshop or special session proposals should be submitted in PDF format.

Proposals for Workshops or Special Sessions must include:

  1. Title of the event, i.e. the workshop or special session
  2. Rationale of behind the event and its objectives
  3. Specific topics of interest
  4. Contact information (E-mail address and Phone Number) for the event chair(s)
  5. Short biography of the event chair(s)

Submission details

  • Workshop and Special Session proposal deadline                             June  15, 2021
  • Notification of Workshop and Special session acceptance                June  20, 2021
  • Workshop and Special Session paper submission deadline               Same of the main conf
  • Notification of paper acceptance                                                        Same of the main conf
  • Camera-ready paper submission deadline                                          Same of the main conf
  • Conference                                                                                          Same of the main conf

To submit a workshop or special session proposal or for additional information, please contact  aboitcairo@cu,edu,eg 

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